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Back in the Q

October 11, 2007
After a LONG summer hiatus (and really, I probably should have held off given that the weather has still been in the 90s here) I am finally receiving wines from WineQ again! I am very very excited to be trying new wines that I have seen advertised all summer on WineQ and excited simply to have something different to drink!

I put this bottle of 2006 Croze Sauvignon Blanc at top billing in my Q pretty much as soon as it was announced on the site. I had tried the Croze Rose back in July from my last WineQ shipment and really enjoyed it. I'm actually considering it as a Thanksgiving wine! So it was a no-brainer to add the Sauvignon Blanc.

The wine cost $17.99 (free shipping!), was 13.0% alcohol by volume, and had a real cork closure. It hails from the Monte Lago Vineyards in Lake County.

On the nose I found grapefruit, a sweet tropical fruit note, and pineapple. A very enticing aroma and it made me want to jump right in...especially given our weather....seriously, 90+ in October?? In the mouth the wine was light and crisp. The fruits were tropical, with pineapple, citrus, and peach showing through.

We drank this on its own but I would definitely pair it with my crab legs when I get another bottle. I'm glad to be back on my Q with such a success in my first bottle of the shipping season!


  1. suchsimplepleasures said...

    what a great find...your blog! i love wine but, i'm not good at selecting. i'm going to blogmark this site and try your recommendations!

    10/11/07, 10:07 AM  

  2. Dr. Debs said...

    This is in my Q, too, so I'm glad to have your tasting notes on it. I've just resumed my shipments, and thank God for the weather change! I've missed the little box with the green sticker each month!

    10/12/07, 12:27 AM  

  3. Marshall Æon said...

    We've missed you, too! Great review of the Croze S.B. -- will be sure to pass this one on to Croze (as I do with all of your reviews!)

    Don't worry, Dr. Debs, there are plenty more green stickers where that came from. :)

    10/12/07, 5:09 AM  

  4. Sonadora said...

    Welcome Melissa! Hope to see you often, thanks for leaving a comment!

    Dr.Debs, I'm more and more convinced we have the same Q :)

    Thanks Marshall! I'm happy to be back! I've got a review of the Coral Mustang awaiting posting and the Esca Pinot Grigio. So basically I drank my whole first Q within about a week of getting it, minus the Joseph Family Cabernet.

    10/14/07, 7:24 PM  

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