The wine was a bottle of 2006 Coral Mustang Rose. It's a Tempranillo Rose (another new one for me, never had a Rose made from Tempranillo grapes) and hails from Vista Creek Vineyards in Pasa Robles (another wine region I would love to visit in the near future). The wine clocked in at 12.5% alcohol by volume.
The color of this wine was just beautiful, though I'm not sure that Matt's photography does it justice in this photo....I'll put another one of his "artistic" efforts at the end of this post....
On the nose I found creamy vanilla and raspberries. The nose was reserved overall. In the mouth the wine showed flavors of raspberries and lime, and raspberry cream, like a raspberry cream soda. Overall the wine was dry but creamy, with tart fruit and crisp and refreshing on the finish.
Thanks to WineQ for the opportunity to try this wine. It's another Rose in a great price range that I could easily see drinking all summer on the porch and would certainly be in the running for a Thanksgiving Rose for me. (Anyone else absolutely shocked that Thanksgiving is going to be here in just a month???)
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