We drank this bottle back in August as part of the Hugel Twitter Tasting Live with Bin Ends Wine. I'm a bit late in getting around to reviewing it, but at the time didn't want to overwhelm everyone with 4 posts in a row about wines from the same producer! Scheduled as the 2nd bottle of the evening, we drank the 2005 Hugel Pinot Blanc over the course of 3 nights. It clocked in at 13% alcohol by volume, had either a real cork or a diam closure (can't remember and didn't write it down), and looks to retail for around $15.
In the glass, the wine appeared to be paler than the Gentil, the first wine of the night. On the nose I found fig, spice, pepper, flowers, limes, lemon, grapefruit, stone fruit, and stone. The nose seemed light and quite delicate. In the mouth I got flavors of lime, wet stones, stone fruit, pears, peaches, and minerals.
Overall, I found the wine to be crisp, very refreshing, and excellent at the price point. I think this struck me as the most fruit driven wine of the night.
You receive too many wines as a sample for me to as always believe your reviews. It is good at least that you add that disclaimer each time.
10/1/08, 4:56 PM
Oh please!!! The post from Anonymous is nothing more than a very transparent, below the belt,cheap shot.
Commentators and critics in every field rely on samples in order to render opinions on a whole range of products. Should music critics turn in their press passes and buy scalper tickets for the latest show to hit town in order to maintain cred?
Accepting shwag,or other monetary remuneration in one thing, but samples are the life blood of any critic.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
10/1/08, 5:30 PM
I'm sorry that you feel that way. Compared the number of wines I've reviewed here, I actually receive very few samples. You're more than welcome to get your wine info from other places though. Have a good day.
Thanks anonymous 2. I actually purchase with my own money almost 90% of the wine reviewed here, the same can't be said for most mainstream sources of wine information.
10/1/08, 7:21 PM
Wasn't meant as a cheap shot . Just an observation . I am guarded on any opinion that comes from a person that is getting their product for free. I don't drink coffee by the way . My morning drink is tea or water . You have a good day also .
- Anonymous 1
10/2/08, 11:24 AM