Petite Sirah is lesser known by the name Durif. I have noticed, and actually picked one up, Durifs coming out of Australia recently, so they are out there, it just takes some hunting. I haven't found any from France yet, but maybe one of you will have better luck than me.
The assignment is simply that. Report back on any Petite Sirah that strikes your fancy.
Post your review on Wednesday, December 12 and send me an email at ctsonadora@gmail.com with a link to your review. If you don't have a blog, please send me your tasting notes and I will be happy to publish them here and include you in the round up.
I am thrilled that my theme suggestion was taken by our fearless leaders over at Wine Blogging Wednesday and am incredibly happy to be hosting this month. Many thanks to the creator of WBW, Lenn of Lenndevours and to last month's host, Brooklynguy for his excellent theme and write-up! Can't wait to read about all the delicious Petite Sirah everyone discovers!
Congrats MEgan! THat is really cool that your idea got picked.
I will be definitely do a post, and it will actually be my first WBW post. I know shame on me.
Have a good holiday.
11/20/07, 8:42 AM
Does it have to be a single varietal Petite Sirah, or can it be a blend where it is the predominant grape?
11/20/07, 11:33 AM
I actually gasped with excitement when I read your choice. I *love* petite sirah. I'm very much looking forward to this!
11/20/07, 1:12 PM
Yippee. PS, I love you. And all that jazz.
11/20/07, 1:16 PM
Hey Farley, do you have a bottle of Rockpile PS for me to taste???
I'm looking forward to it, Megan. Yay!
11/20/07, 4:14 PM
We've got a little left. Wanna do a trade??
11/20/07, 6:32 PM
This will be my first Wine Blogging Wednesday with a blog, and you're hosting it, AND it's petite sirah. Chirstmas came early this year.
I've read that petite sirah is great with hamburgers and fries, does anyone else agree?
11/20/07, 7:49 PM
Burger and fries, sure. But Mmmmmmmmm... Breakfast!
Nice choice!
11/20/07, 9:23 PM
I am totally down!
(and will be posting from my Petite Sirah fanatic blog, The PSychos' Path!
11/21/07, 12:06 AM
Only six offerings locally, so could be a challenge. I like challenges...I'm in!
11/22/07, 9:14 AM
I love Petite Sirah - one of my favorites, sadly there is none-if any PS here in Iberia! I know only one producer in the Alentejo in Portugal who is playing with the grape. If only we could find a bottle we would be happy to participate.
11/23/07, 1:02 PM
Really looking forward to this one...great idea for a theme!
11/27/07, 3:39 PM
Wow, thanks for all the great feedback everyone! Can't wait to see all the PS you find!
Richard, as long as the bottle is labeled as PS or Durif, I'm happy :)
11/27/07, 9:06 PM
Great idea for a theme - I've already got a tasting lined up with my personal fave PS, so I will be contributing on my wine blog 1WineDude.blogspot.com. Cheers!
11/28/07, 9:08 AM
and in italy how can I possibly find a petit syrah wine?!?
11/29/07, 4:52 AM
Thanks for the PS I Love You focus!
Petite's Sirah's definitely a cult variety ~ a passion of the very few. Did you know about the advocacy group that I founded with Louis Foppiano, PS I Love You? It's an PS advocacy group with approximately 70 members (a few are growers, only). Within the group, there are many Petites from which to choose... I met with a group of PS winemakers at Trenatdue this past Tuesday, and they were saying that only the most advanced of palates (not for sophistication, but for "gimme more flavor!") "gets" this cultivar.
This will be a very interesting post on December 12, and I'll spread the word to the PS group; so they, too, can watch this phenomenon.
B-T-W, Jeff Stai of Twisted Oak sent an Email to me, putting this on my radar screen, but I was too busy setting up the next Dark & Delicious event (Feb. 9, 2008 in San Francisco) to pay this close attention.
Thanks for your concept. You're invited to Dark & Delicious, Sonadora... Please let me know if you're up for it! --jo
11/29/07, 1:22 PM
Count me in! I'm on the hunt for a good PS. Leaning towards Vincent Arroyo if I can find one. I'll send you a link to the review when finished...
11/29/07, 11:41 PM
for those outside the US (or Aust) struggling to find an appropriate wine check http://www.wine-searcher.com. There are some imports of these wines.
I have seen a Petite Sirah produced by Carmen Wines (Chile) which might be interesting and easier to get hold of.
12/3/07, 11:15 AM
My post is up. Not sure whether to post it here or elsewhere?
Four Vines 'The Heretic' Petite Syrah 2005 from Paso Robles, California.
Posted at
Sue Courtney
12/12/07, 5:58 AM