I know I said I wouldn't return to Total Wine if I were searching for a WBW wine or a specific bottle as it was quite difficult in my opinion to find anything in particular, but this assignment seemed custom built for the Total Wine experience. Namely, the cheap part. I've bought my local wine shops out of inexpensive bottles and none of them came from Spain. So back to Total Wine I went.
The selection was actually pretty good. They had at least two dozens bottles that fell into the under $10 category, however, most were red wines. I really wanted a white or a rose as it is hot in VA and the idea of a heavier red in 100+ degree weather just doesn't appeal all that much to me. So I took my chances with this $7.49 bottle of Osborne Solaz 2005 Blanco Viura.
The wine had a real cork closure, weighs in at 12.5% alcohol by volume and hails from from Tierra de Castilla, a wine region in Toledo, Spain. (Do I get bonus points Michelle?) :)
On the nose the wine was lightly floral, with a hint of lime and just a bit of tropical fruit. However, the nose was very light and I had to keep sniffing at it for quite a while to be able to distinguish the aromas.
In the mouth the wine showed lime and bitter almonds. The limes were not tart or acidic, but what I imagine the limes in Sprite would taste like if I drank soda. I realize that bitter almonds sounds a little odd, but I kept going back to it trying to come up with a better descriptor, but that's really what it was.
I served this wine with king crab legs, butter and fresh squeezed lemons. The note on the bottle actually suggested a pairing with shellfish, and I happened to be serving king crab, so it was time to break out this bottle. It really wasn't fabulous with the crab. I think the strong, fresh lemon flavors overpowered the light qualities of the wine.
Overall, this is a very simple white wine. It showed better on it's own than with food, though something about it suggested it might be a good match with a sharp cheese. It had a light aroma and a light flavor and I can pretty much describe it as neutral. It was easy to sip and drink, but nothing stuck out about it.
Many thanks to Michelle for hosting!
"The scen of bitter almonds always reminded Dr. Juvinal Urbino of unrequited love."
--the first sentance (approximately) of Gabriel Garcia Marquez' classi novel Love in the Time of Cholera.
Bitter almonds must be something indeed!
7/11/07, 2:45 PM
Can I come to your house for dinner? I started coming here for the wine but the food is what keeps me coming back!
7/11/07, 10:44 PM
Love the crab leg perched on the lemon. It looks like it's trying to get into the wine!
7/12/07, 5:18 PM
See, I knew once you hit up Total Wine you'd be hooked! I am totally ambivalent about the impersonal warehouse style as well, but you can definitely find some bargain wines (given time enough to walk through their cavernous selections), and they're your best bet for anything obscure here in the Washington Metro region. Anyway, glad to hear you've found them of some use, but I'd love to hear your suggestions for good "local" wine shops!
7/13/07, 12:36 AM
Brooklynguy, very odd indeed.
Redneck, any time you happen to be in DC, let me know!
Dr.Debs, it does look like that! It was delicious!
Nate-my favorites so far are Unwined in Alexandria and the Curious Grape in Shirlington. Unwined has a better selection of lower priced wines, the Curious Grape always has stuff on teh tasting bar. Neither are very big stores, but hte folks are helpful and they have good stuff.
7/17/07, 2:00 PM