Now, I'm not sure how many of you have ever walked the streets of a major city carrying a rubber, chicken, but for some reason, people seem to stare at you while you do. And all my poor chicken Bob wanted to do was see the sights! It also makes people talk to you, something that doesn't happen a lot here.
First he (my chicken is a boy, he's a little confused as to why he's a chicken) got a gander at the Washington Monument on his walk to work. He wasn't that impressed with the size, but I explained to him that it's much bigger than it appears.
He didn't realize that the walk to work is 14 blocks, and he got tired, so he took a break on this lion while trying to see if any muckety mucks were at the Capital Grille this early.
Bob got a real scare later. He was suddenly surrounded by terrifying Government agencies, and he didn't know where to turn.
Ack! The FBI!! Bob has some %$#* in his past, let's get out of here!
Freaking A! The Department of Justice. I acted nonchalantly for Bob's sake, and told the Justice Agents who guard the building that Bob and I were on a scavenger hunt. They nodded and understood when I
And the worst of all, the IRS!
Bob was ready to run now, so we skeedadled out of there as fast as we c
Finally, it was time to go home, and Bob took in one last sight, the Capitol, as we waited for Matt to come out so we could go home.
All in all, it was a long tiring day for Bob, and he was happy to get home and go back to roosting in my kitchen chandelier, where he's been chilling since his long journey from Twisted Oak to my house.
Thanks to El Jefe and the Twisted Crew for "Take your Chicken to Work Day." I had a lot of fun with Bob, and my coworkers got a good chuckle over my chicken companion.
Very Nice! My chicken in in onw of the wine tanks- haven't been able to get him out. Maybe if he sees your chciken having so much fun.....
2/20/08, 11:10 AM
Too funny. I can only imagine the looks!
2/20/08, 11:46 AM
Mighty fun stuff! Think we'll see a chandelier shot too? :)
2/20/08, 2:22 PM
What a lucky chicken! I haven't seen most of the sights he's seen.
2/20/08, 6:47 PM
very funny!!
Although I have to imagine that it isn't the first time a rubber chicken has made its way to the capital city. haha
2/20/08, 7:00 PM
Hilarious! I think that rubber chicken might have more character and integrity than most people in the Capitol! :)
2/21/08, 7:28 AM
He looked fantastic behind that podium. I think a future as a White House press secretary may be in his future.
2/22/08, 11:34 PM
Hi Sonadora! Looks like you and your chicken had fun...I'm surprised they didn't rip it apart looking for explosives...hehe.
Yes, your new hair style looks fantastic!
3/1/08, 6:04 AM
Thanks everyone!
Nice to see you again Bobby!
3/1/08, 12:09 PM