Next, the announcement for WBC #2 is up! Our host for the second WBC is Tim of Winecast. Time has chosen a much less daunting task in the form of the book Noble Rot: A Bordeaux Wine Revolution by William Echikson. You can read all the details over here on Winecast, but the long and short of it is: read the book, write a review, and post it on your blog or send it to Tim at winecast@gmail.com by April 29 in time for our next book club meeting.
Now, Noble Rot is less than a third of the size of Vino Italiano, so no excuses about the length this time! Let's keep the momentum from the first WBC going and get an even bigger turnout next month. Looking forward to reading everyone's reviews in April! I've got a ton of work travel coming up, so this time I shouldn't be struggling to finish. Many thanks to Dr. Debs for the great idea of a wine book club.
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