This is what our basement looked like before our 2008 Sonoma trip and before the great Reorg of 2008.

During our reorg. We pulled out all the wine that was there, and opened all the boxes that arrived yesterday.

We organized everything into varietals so that we would find things easier...well, that's the idea.

And after! We completely filled up the 9 racks we had, plus a styrofoam case we had been previously using, and had to add 6 more styrofoam shipper halves to contain it all!!

Hours later, we are done, and exhausted!
Looks fantastic. Question is, what did you drink to celebrate?
3/30/08, 7:50 PM
Love the re-org - what vintage is that Coca-Cola? You have one big problem - too much space - you could be at a 1000 bottles in no time...
3/30/08, 10:12 PM
Love the org. I usually have to pullout bottles, spin them around or dig through cases to find something in my tight closet. I have basement envy!!!
3/30/08, 10:43 PM
That looks nice. I am also jealous of all that space!
3/31/08, 12:03 PM
What temp is the basement usually?
3/31/08, 2:48 PM
Dr. Debs, nothing actually! We're trying to make this haul last a bit longer than the last one!
Joe-It's actually vintage 2004 coke to be exact.
Oenophilus, we do not take our basement for granted...not after having all the wine in our one bedroom apartment!
Melia-Thanks! And thanks for stopping by!
Orion-Usually between 55-65, depending on the time of year, but stays fairly consistent around 60.
3/31/08, 8:10 PM
Great! :)
6/18/08, 5:55 AM