The wine smells like bananas and tropical fruits.
There are some tropical fruits in the mouth, but not nearly what I would expect based on the nose. At the end, just a tiny bit of peach could be detected. But overall, kind of flat. I wasn't impressed with the flavor of this wine. The taste is a little off for a Chardonnay, even for an un-oaked Chardonnay, which I usually like a lot. I can't really put a finger on what's off, exactly, but it just didn't work for me. Ordinarily, I would say it's the banana scent that put me off, since I can't stand bananas, but Matt also commented that he didn't really care for this bottle.
I've had a string recently of wines I've not been pleased with. Perhaps I need to take a drinking break for a few days.....well, that would just be punishing myself though! Thankfully, the bottle we drank last night was excellent and I can't wait to review it!
Sonadora--Yuck, sounds like too much oak. Turn it into cooking wine or dump it.
2/15/07, 2:19 PM
You would think it was the oak, right, but this was an un-oaked bottle! I can't figure it out. I'm starting to wonder if more of my wine got cooked in the shipping process, which makes me unahppy. It's only been in the last 2 weeks that I've opened any bottles with problems. And it's by no means all of my bottles, just a rash of them these past days.
2/16/07, 8:30 AM
are those the AZD glasses?
2/23/07, 6:47 PM
That they would be. Though Matt put them in the dishwasher, so the logo is long gone.
2/24/07, 8:13 PM