The wine for the evening arrived on my doorstep via a WineQ shipment, coming from a vineyard I've now tried a few times with great results, the 2004 Hannah Nicole Fume Blanc. I purchased the bottle for $14.99 (free shipping!) from WineQ, it clocked in at 14.65% alcohol by volume (can't say I ever remember an alcohol content being brought out to the 2nd decimal place before), and had a real cork closure. The wine hails from Contra Costa County, CA.
On the nose I found cream, peach, apple, pineapple, vanilla, orange blossom, spice, and a touch of oak. In the mouth I got flavors of orange, pineapple, grapefruit, other citrus, and cream. I'm not usually a Fume Blanc fan, to be honest. I tend to find them overoaked, but this version may make me a convert! The fruits showed through as clean and crisp, and overall the wine was dry. It had great balance and acidity, I'd actually consider this as a Thanksgiving wine. (Wow, it's that time of year already, isn't it? I've already got people arriving to the blog via Thanksgiving search terms....scary.)
Sounds good...but I can't help but think about "Anna Nicole" Simpson seeing this wine name. Weird...
9/23/08, 11:48 AM
Sounds great! Since I serve what would be a Thanksgiving like dinner at Christmas, I'll try it then. Lots of white wine lovers in my family.
9/23/08, 6:09 PM
Hey Sonadora! Dood, this winery is right near where I live! Pretty cool to see a CoCo County wine being drunk all the way over on the East Coast. Thanks for the great article!
9/23/08, 11:40 PM
I assume they went out an extra decimal due to liquor content tax laws, but you might know more about that than I.
9/24/08, 10:51 AM
I don't know where your mind is Richard!
It's a good one Chris!
Dr. XeNo, I think this is the only winery from the area I've tasted!
Dunno Linds, haven't seen it carried out like that on other bottles.
9/28/08, 1:05 PM